ACEN web licensing out of the box implementation post activation tasks are managed here.

PC Guard: ACEN web licensing tasks settings

License alive (active) report task

Select to enable license alive report to ACEN server post activation task.

web licensings alive report diagram


Use this option to select timing for license alive report.

on each runrun task on each run
once a dayrun task once a day
once a weekrun task every 7 days from first run
once a monthrun task every 30 days from first run

If report fails

Use this option to select action in case alive report fails. This usually happens because computer is not connected to the Internet.

do nothingno action, pass control to application.
show errorshow error message and pass control to application.
show error and exitshow error message and close application.
exitclose application.
reset license & exitreset local license and close application.
reset license, show error & exitreset local license, show error message and close application.


Action threshold represents number of consecutive failed tasks before selected action is taken.

Valid values for threshold are 0-99 where 0 means no threshold (default).

Failed tasks counter will be reset to zero after each successful task.

If "If report fails" option is set to "do nothing" action threshold option is ignored.

Exit code

Custom exit code in case action includes closing of protected application and returning of exit code. If left to default value (0) protected application will return status code returned by ACEN.

License validation task

License validation task will check if license is changed or removed from ACEN server.

web licensing license validation task diagram


on each runrun task on each run
once a dayrun task once a day
once a weekrun task every 7 days from first run
once a monthrun task every 30 days from first run

If check fails

Use this option to select action in case check if license is removed fails. This usually happens because computer is not connected to the Internet.

do nothingno action, pass control to application.
show errorshow error message and pass control to application.
show error and exitshow error message and close application.
exitclose application.
reset license & exitreset local license and close application.
reset license, show error & exitreset local license, show error message and close application.


Action threshold represents number of consecutive failed tasks before selected action is taken.

Valid values for threshold are 0-99 where 0 means no threshold (default).

Failed tasks counter will be reset to zero after each successful task.

If "If check fails" option is set to "do nothing" action threshold option is ignored.

Example: if action threshold is set to 7, protection code will take appropriate action only after 7 consecutive failed attempts to connect to ACEN server. This means that in case timing option is set to "once a day" selected action will be taken on 7th day of consecutive failed attempts.

Exit code

Custom exit code in case action includes closing of protected application and returning of exit code. If left to default value (0) protected application will return status code returned by ACEN.

If license is removed action

Select action in case license is removed from ACEN.

reset license, show error & exitreset existing license, show error and close application.
reset license, ban computer, show error & exitreset existing license, ban computer, show error and close application.
reset license & exitreset existing license and close application.
reset license, ban computer & exitreset existing license, ban computer and close application.

If license is reset, next time protected application is run protection code will automatically try to get new license from activation center.

If remote computer is banned, next time protected application is run it will display AWS_BannedError ("License can not be activated on this computer!"). Ban is set locally and not in activation center so in case end user formats computer and reinstall software, protected application will still try to get new activation code from activation center.

If license is changed action

Select action in case license is changed in ACEN.

update license & show messageupdate local license and show notification message
update licensereset existing license, ban computer, show error and close application.
Default "License successfully updated." (License_Updated) message can be changed in language editor.

Reset license in case of invalid system time

Local system clock is automatically tracked if license validation or license alive report tasks are enabled.

In case last recorded check date (day) is earlier than current date (day) invalid system time error processing will be triggered.

If this option is enabled, local license will be reset and appropriate error message will be displayed. If disabled, only error message will be displayed and application will close.


Enabling both "License alive (active) report" and "License validation" task with action which includes "show error" may result in duplicate errors messages being shown by protected application so it is recommended to enable only single action which includes "show error" in case both tasks are enabled.
License alive report task is run first, license validation task is run second.

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