The following table contains list of all source code samples included in full featured version.


Protection interface

pi_cpp_sampleC/C++C/C++ 32/64 bit protection interface sample source code (VS 2022).
pi_delphi_sampleDelphiDelphi 32/64 bit protection interface sample source code.
pi_cpp_builder_sampleC++ BuilderC++ Builder 32/64 bit protection interface sample source code.
pi_vb6_sampleVB6Visual basic 6 protection interface sample source code.
pi_env_cpp_sampleC/C++C/C++ 32/64 bit sample which demonstrates usage of protection interface environment variables (VS 2022).

Alternate protection interface

altpcgi_csharp_sampleC#C# .NET Framework console application (VS 2022).
altpcgi_wpf_csharpC#C# .NET Framework WPF application with custom activation and license removal interface (VS 2022).
altpcgi_netcore_csharpC#C# .NET Core / .NET console application (VS 2022).
altpcgi_vbnet_sampleVB.NETVB.NET .NET Framework console application(VS 2022).
altpcgi_cpp_sampleC/C++C/C++ Windows console application (VS 2022).

RTE (Run-Time-Encryption)

rte_cpp_sampleC/C++C/C++ 32/64 bit RTE sample source code (VS 2022).
rte_delphi_sampleDelphiDelphi 32/64 bit RTE sample source code.
rte_cpp_builder_sampleC++ BuilderC++ Builder 32/64 bit RTE sample source code.


clickonce_launcher_sampleC#C# ClickOnce sample launcher project (VS 2022).
net_win_service sampleC#C# .NET Windows service protection sample project (VS 2022).
customdlg_cpp_sampleC/C++Visual studio sample custom dialogs project (VS 2022).