SourceArmor .NET
Protect your code from prying eyes with professional obfuscation system for .NET framework applications.

The problem
The Microsoft .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime) requires that metadata should be available for all running code. All .NET framework (managed) compilers are storing metadata information within .NET assembly.
Metadata includes almost every information from your source code. It's all there: name and types of all classes, methods, properties, fields and events. .NET framework services like Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler and serialization layer are depending on metadata information.
On the other hand, you as a developer, need to prevent reverse engineering of your .NET application. Using the metadata, it's possible to de-compile all code to (almost the same as) original source code. In other words, when you release your .NET application, you are effectively releasing your source code along with it.
Your intellectual property is thus highly exposed to hackers and competitors who may easily steal your code for use in their own products.
The solution
SourceArmor obfuscator will transform your application, by applying obfuscating transformations and by keeping its functionally identical but in the same time much more difficult to reverse engineer.
This includes overloaded renaming of types, methods, events, properties, parameters, fields and events, resources, encryption of strings, control flow obfuscation, metadata pruning, insertion of invalid IL instructions, suppression of disassemblers and many other techniques.
SourceArmor supports all versions of .NET framework and all platforms (x86, AnyCpu and x64). It also supports obfuscation of mixed .NET applications (with both managed and unmanaged code) and precompiled ASP .NET WEB applications.
In this way PC Guard for .NET/.NET64 (binary encryption, copy protection and licensing) and SourceArmor .NET (source code obfuscation) present total software security and licensing solution for .NET framework applications.
String encryption
Encrypt all text messages inside methods.
Overloaded renaming
Rename types, methods, events, properties, parameters, fields, events and resources.
Resources compression
Easily compress and encrypt embedded resources for additional protection.
Control flow obfuscation
Alter the flow of control within the methods by reordering instructions and loops.
Compress, encrypt, tamper proof and package .NET applications into single executable.
Metadata pruning
Let SourceArmor remove unrequired metadata members.
Disassembler suppression
Suppress disassembly to IL by using popular disassemblers.
Invalid IL
Decompilation tools will fail to analyze methods with invalid instructions.
Custom naming policy
Choose the way members are renamed.
GUI and command line
Use SourceArmor from comfortable and easy to use GUI environment or run it from command line.
Detailed reporting
SourceArmor will generate detailed obfuscation report after successful obfuscation process.
Strong name signing
Strong name signature removal and re-signing of obfuscated assemblies.
Windows apps
Windows Forms applications, Console applications, Windows Services, Control and Class Libraries, WPF Applications and libraries are all supported.
Mixed .NET apps
SourceArmor supports mixed mode .NET applications (with both managed and unmanaged code).
.NET versions and targets
SourceArmor supports all .NET framework versions and x86, AnyCpu and x64 cpu targets.