PC Guard offers unique support for runtime encryption and decryption of protected Windows 32/64 bit applications. 

Basic RTE implementation steps

STEP 1: Fragments of code are marked in source code by using special start and end labels. Labels are different for 32bit and 64bit applications.

STEP 2: Application is compiled.

STEP 3: Marked fragments of code in compiled application are recognized by PC Guard and are additionally encrypted during protection process.

RTE encrypted code always stays encrypted in memory. Encrypted blocks are managed (decrypted and then encrypted again) by our special protection code.

REMOTE protection usage

In case of remote protection method RTE encrypted code is not executed during evaluation period (DEMO mode). Fragments of code are automatically bypassed in this case. You should be aware of this when marking code fragments with start and end labels.

RTE encrypted code is executed only in licensed (activated) version of protected application. 

PLAIN/USB/NETWORK protection method usage

RTE encrypted code is decrypted, executed and again encrypted each time it's required for protected application.


- Sample Visual Studio 2022 C/C++ (32/64 bit), Delphi (32/64 bit) and C++ Builder (32/64 bit) RTE source code projects are available in full featured version.