PC Guard Software Protection System 06.00.0610 is out!
New PC Guard Software Protection System update has been released. This update is highly recommended for all PC Guard users.
What's new:
[+] Added support for PyInstaller (https://www.pyinstaller.org) applications.
If you are looking for software copy protection solution for your Python (https://www.python.org/) applications you can now use PyInstaller for packaging applications into stand-alone executables and then PC Guard to additionally encrypt and protect such applications.
PyInstaller application will be detected during protection process. After confirmation, advanced overlay management (AOM) and internal overlay encryption will be automatically turned on for application.
All PyInstaller applications targeting Python 2.7 (32bit apps) and 3.4-3.7 (64bit apps) are supported by appropriate PC Guard versions.
[*] Multiple Advanced overlay management (AOM) optimizations and improvements including new encryption algorithm.
[+] New command line option for protected applications: PCG_CL_ACTFILE
Use this option to override default activation filename which is defined in project settings and embedded into protected application by passing it via command line to protected application.
-PCG_CL_ACTFILE [Full path to activation file]
-PCG_CL_ACTFILE C:\test\license.dat
Protection code will try to load “C:\test\license.dat” activation file.
-PCG_CL_ACTFILE “D:\my application data\activate.dat”
Be sure to put full path to activation filename in quotes in case path contains space characters as in above example.
[+] Activation panel: Added button for opening folder with generated activation file.
[#] Protected application will no longer display activation file error 0000000D (Activation code is already in use).
Protected application will try to load activation file even after activation if license extension feature is enabled. This error was displayed in case activation file that was originally used for activation was still present in application's folder after activation either because "Delete activation file after activation" option was not enabled or in case it was enabled but protection code was not able to delete activation file after activation due to inadequate security rights. Protection code will now just ignore such activation file and will not display any error on startup.
[*] Optimized i/o access for large sets of protected applications.
This improvement will minimize number of access denied and sharing violation errors in case of tens or more protected applications starting at same time and using same license information.
[!] Few other minor fixes and security improvements.
[>] Interface dll has been updated. Please be sure to update existing version with latest one.