Concurrent number of users is controlled over Windows network.
2. NETWORK + Limit number of application instances feature
Concurrent number of users is controlled over Windows network. Only limited number of application instances can be used per workstation.
Concurrent number of users is controlled over Windows network. Only users with specific IP segment(s) can access protected application.
4. NETWORK + IP FILTERING + Limit number of application instances feature
Concurrent number of users is controlled over Windows network. Only users with specific IP segment(s) can access protected application. Only limited number of application instances can be used per workstation.
- Location of protected application on network can be additionally limited by using "Application must be run from server disk" and "Application can't be run from local disk" options.
- Protected application will display error message: "All network licenses are currently in use!" once the maximum number of allowed users is reached.
- As soon as user closes protected application his license will become available for another user waiting to access protected application.
- In case of application crash, new instance of protected application will automatically free broken license.
- Demo mode limitations (if any) are controlled independently for each workstation.
- In order to properly control number of concurrent application instances protection code must free application instance from the list of currently active instances once the application quits. In most cases this is done automatically by protection code. In order to be able to automatically control number of active instances protection code must take control over ExitProcess() function used by protected application. In case your application does not end execution with ExitProcess() or does not even import this function (MFC and VB applications are examples of such applications) you will have to manually free application instance before quitting. This is done by using FreeAppInstance() protection interface function. Detailed information about this function is available in protection interface help.