PC Guard Software Protection System 06.00.0530 is out!
New PC Guard Software Protection System update has been released. This update is highly recommended for all PC Guard users.
What's new:
[+] Custom buttons settings section added to customization settings.
Activation dialog custom buttons settings moved to this section.
[+] Custom buttons added to license removal and license transfer dialogs.
There are now two custom buttons for license removal dialog and two custom buttons for license transfer dialog which can be used for any purpose like opening web page, opening a document or running external application.
[+] Multilingual support for license removal, license transfer and password protection dialogs.
These dialogs will now include additional control for selecting user interface language (same as with activation dialog) in case more then one language is defined in language settings.
Up to now, these dialogs were displayed only in default language as set in project settings.
From now on, these dialogs will be displayed in default language but end user will be able to change interface language.
[+] Removal code macro (%REMOVALCODE%) added to custom buttons action string macros.
[!] Few other minor fixes and security improvements.
[*] Sample custom dialogs VS DLL C++ project with default dialogs has been updated to reflect recent changes.
[>] Interface dll has been updated. Please be sure to update existing version with this one.