Thursday, June 9, 2022 - 10:12

Activation center (ACEN) 05.02.00 is out!

New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

activation center screenshot

What's new:

[>] Major code update. Complete code converted from VB.NET to C#.

[>] Project and all required modules upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8.

[*] Product search improved.

[*] Products table is now sortable.

[+] Email template macros now include all available database data for Clients, Orders, Products and Licenses.


If you are upgrading from previous (05.01.10) version be sure to run included database upgrade script.

General upgrading procedure is available here.

New PC Guard Software Protection System update has been released. This update is highly recommended for all PC Guard users.

PC Guard Software Protection System

What's new:

[+] Added support for latest version of Activation center (05.01.00)

[+] New protection interface information:


ACEN Product ID value as set in project settings can now be accessed by using protection interface and used when implementing custom ACEN web service calls in protected application.

[*] System settings are no longer stored in system registry and are now shared among users on computer.

System settings are now located inside common application data folder: "\ProgramData\Sofpro\PC Guard for ...\system.settings"

Existing system settings will be automatically imported.

[*] Languages settings are now also shared among all users on same computer and new settings file is located in same folder as system settings.

[*] Multiple other fixes and optimizations.

[>] Interface dll has been updated!

Please be sure to update existing version with latest one.

[>] ACEN web service interface modules are updated!

IMPORTANT: Applications protected with ACEN web licensing enabled now require Activation center 05.01.00 or later version.


Protection interface documentation and samples have been updated with latest definitions.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 12:48

Activation center (ACEN) 05.01.00 is out!

New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released today.

activation center screenshot

What's new:

[*] Major database overhaul.

Almost all tables and columns are updated.

[*] Program entity is now Product entity.

[+] Default unit number of purchased licenses and unit number of granted licenses added to Product data.

This data is now used when adding new orders for appropriate product.

[+] "Show changed locks (license reactivation)" option added to client interface options. Default: OFF

If enabled, client will be able to view which locks are different (changed locks are marked with red color) in case license reactivation fails.

[*] Sample AcenService application updated.

[*] Options page redesigned.

[*] Multiple other optimizations and fixes.


- WebLicensingValidateProgram method renamed to WebLicensingValidateProduct.

Old method name will still work for compatibility reasons.

- ProgramID and CustomerID parameters renamed to ProductID and ClientID.

Web service methods will still accept old parameter names.


If you are upgrading from previous (05.00.90) version be sure to run included database upgrade script.

General upgrading procedure is available here.