Activation panel is used for adding new and updating existing licenses and checking locking parameters.

New license data
This is where new license data is set. Site/MID codes, Note and license expiration date (in case of limited license).
Validate Click to generate activation and removal code and decode locking parameters for new license.
Add Click to Add new license.
Update Click to update existing license.
Site code and Machine ID (MID) fields should be set with appropriate values. Use Note field to set short note for new license.
In case of limited license Expires field should be set to license expiration date. Click on button to increase currently set expiration date for default license validity period for this program.
Machine locks
This section holds information about machine locking parameters. In case of license update top row holds information about original locking parameters and bottom row contains information about new locking parameters. In this way old and new locking parameters can be easily compared.
Custom counters are set here. If all counters are set to zero custom counters will be ignored. If at least single counter is different from zero extended activation code will be generated.
Custom features are managed here.