
This method will add new license for specific order.

Definition (VB.NET)

<WebMethod(), SoapHeader("AuthSoapHeader")> _
Public Function AddLicense(ByVal OrderID As Integer, ByVal SiteCode As String, ByVal MID As String, ByVal Note As String, ByVal Features As Integer) As Result


This method can be used by both administrator users and clients.


Name Type Description
OrderID Integer Order ID value
SiteCode String Site code value
MID String Machine ID (MID) value
Note String License note (max 30 characters long)
Features Integer Custom features value (default: 0)

Return values

In case of success:

- Result.Status is set to STATUS_SUCCESS

- Result.ActivationCode is set to valid activation code.

- Result.LicenseID is set to LicenseID of new license

In case of error appropriate error status code is returned.


- Client can add new license only in case there are free licenses for specific order available. STATUS_LICENSES_IN_USE will be returned otherwise. There are no such restrictions for Administrator users. 

- Features value is ignored for Clients. Default features (as set in Order data) are used for generation of activation code.

- Administrator users: if features value is <> 0 it will be used for calculation of activation code. Default features value (Order data) will be used otherwise.