New service build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released. This update is highly recommended for all Activation center users.
What's new:
[+] License extension flag added to special flags in features panel.
It's now possible to select both "License extension" and "Disable limited license" special flags.
Selection of flags is additionally controlled accordingly to enabled program settings (demo mode and limited license).
"Extend evaluation period" special flag can not be selected together with "Disable limited license" or/and "License extension" flag.
Special flags are now handled in the same way as in PC Guard's activation panel.
[+] Licenses filter added to licenses grid.
Licenses can now be filtered by Site code and license Note.
[+] Help page added to client interface.
This page includes basic help documentation for activation center client interface. Client can find step-by-step instructions about reviewing orders, adding new licenses and removing, reactivating and transferring existing licenses.
There is also a contact form on help page which client can use to send emails to support department.
[+] Client interface options section added to options page.
New options:
- Enable help page (default: ON)
If enabled help page will be available in client interface.
- Enable help contact form (default: ON)
If enabled contact form will be enabled on help page.
- Start page (Default: Orders)
Default start page for clients after login (Account, Orders or Help page).
[*] Options page redesigned. All options moved to controls. There are now three sections on this page:
- Email options
- Client interface options
- Flexible locking options
[*] Client interface, account page, registration name is now greyed out to mark it as read-only (client can not change registration name).
[*] ACEN Service: AddOrder method updated.
If provided OrderID is zero valid OrderID will be auto-generated.
If provided value for the following parameters is zero, appropriate values from Program data will be used:
- Features
- NetSales
- NetDiscount
- ServiceFee
- TotalSales
[*] Improved and optimized code.
[!] Few minor bugs fixed.
[>] No database structure changes were introduced in this build.
[>] Important: change in acen config file settings. Be sure to update existing acen config file with new options.
[>] web.config is updated with settings for new help page in client interface.