New service build for PC Guard Software Protection System has been released today.
What's new in this release:
[+] Support for ACEN Subscription feature. (Beta)
This feature requires latest version of Activation center (06.05.0380).
Subscription settings are available in both ACEN Product and Order settings.
If Subscription is enabled in Order settings, Subscription status (valid/expired) will affect license management tasks accordingly to client activation settings.
Additionally, both license activation and license validation tasks in out of the box implementation of ACEN standard licensing will fail in case order Subscription is enabled and expired.
[+] "If Subscription is expired" action and exit code options added to ACEN settings.
Available actions:
1. show error & exit (show error message and close application)
2. exit (just close application without displaying error message)
Custom exit code can also be set for subscription expired event. Set exit code to 0 (default) to let protection code set exit code.
[+] ACEN Client ID and Order ID values added to custom buttons action macros.
%ACENCLIENTID% - Currently set ACEN Client ID
%ACENORDERID% - Currently set ACEN Order ID
[*] Multiple other fixes and optimizations.
[>] Standard and Web API interface dll modules have been updated! (06.00.0950)