Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 19:05

New PC Guard V6 service build has been released. This update is highly recommended for all PC Guard V6 users!

What's new:

[+] New limited license feature: Day of the month expiration.

If enabled, application will expire on specific day of the month.


If day of the month is set to:

1 - application will expire on first day of any month.

31 - application will expire on last day of any month.

This means 31st day for months with 31 days, 30th day for month with 30 days and on 28th (29th for leap years) February.

30 - application will expire on 30th day except in February when it will expire on 28th (29th for leap years).

29 - application will expire on 29th day except in February when it will expire on 28th (29th for leap years).

Exact expiration date is determined by the day of activation.


If day of month is set to 1 and application is activated on first day of current month license will be valid until first day of next month (about 30 days). If it is activated on 15th of current month it will be valid until 1st of next month (about 15 days).

If day of month is set to 15 and application is activated on first day of month license will be valid until 15th of current month (about 15 days). If it is activated on 20th of current month it will be valid until 15th of next month (about 25 days)


Default license validity (number of days) should be set to 31 day in case day of the month limitation is enabled.

[*] Extended activation panel supports day of the month expiration feature.

Easily change default day of the month expiration value when generating extended activation code for protected application.

[#] ACEN Web licensing: Limited license feature:

- Number of runs limitation and day of the month limitation will be automatically disabled in case of ACEN web licensing.

[+] New protection interface structure members. 

[>] Interface dll has been updated. Please be sure to update existing version with this one.