What's new in this update:
[*] TLS management improved.
[+] General settings: "Preserve original file date and time" option added.
If selected, PC Guard will preserve application's original file date and time information. Output (protected) application will have the same file date/time information as original copy. Default value: OFF
[*] Activation panel: Custom features: special flags.
It's now possible to select both "License extension" and "Disable limited license" special flags.
Selection of flags is additionally controlled accordingly to enabled project features (demo mode and limited license). "Demo mode extension" special flag can not be selected together with "Disable limited license" or/and "License extension" flag.
[*] Smart dll handling feature improved.
[*] Activation report now includes information about enabled special flags.
[!] In case of demo mode + date limitation + display date limitation counter + displaying threshold set + special key pop-up option activation dialog could not be invoked with special key(s) during the period before threshold is reached.
[!] Few other minor bug fixes.