Monday, August 3, 2015 - 17:55

What's new in this update:

[*] OS ID was reported as 0 for some 32bit applications running under 64bit Windows.

[+] Option for invoking activation dialog via command line. (BETA) Special key pop-up option is ignored in case this option is provided from command line and activation dialog is displayed regardless of special key pop-up keys status.

[*] Windows 10 compatibility.

[*] Improved support for Xojo ( applications.

[*] Reset license button can now reset local license status for any protection method, not only remote protection.

[!] Fixed issue with generating removal code via protection interface in case flexible licensing is enabled and change of locks within allowed flexibility. Removal code was based on changed site/mid codes due to changed lock(s) and not on original codes.

[!] Few other minor bug fixes.