New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released.
What's new:
[+] Client interface pages renamed and moved to \client subdirectory for easier management and separation from admin interface pages.
[+] Custom error pages added.
This includes custom 404 (page not found) and default error page which will display both error code and exception description for admin users and only error code for client users.
Custom error pages are located in \errors subdirectory.
All application exceptions are also now logged to database.
[!] Fixed problem with reactivation of web licenses which were manually removed by administrator user.
[*] Write access to acen config file is no longer required.
[*] Setup post install options now include option to open upgrading instructions among user guide and whatsnew document.
[*] Multiple other optimizations and fixes.
[>] UPGRADING NOTES: No database changes are requires for this release.