Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - 09:38

 New build for Activation center (ACEN) has been released.

What's new:

activation center screenshot

[+] New maintenance panel checks:

- Check for obsolete options.

Obsolete and no longer used options will be detected in database and if required, warning message will be displayed with an option to delete obsolete options from database.

- Check for Activation center updates.

If new version of activation center is available for download appropriate message will be displayed and activation center version control will be displayed with detailed information about latest version.

[+] Date range control added.

It is now much easier to define common periods for searches.

Currently available periods:

This month
Last month
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
Last 60 days
Last 90 days
Last 180 days
Last 365 days
This year
Last year
All time
Custom period

[+] Date range control has been added to Orders, Web licenses and Logs page.

[*] Default date range period options added to admin interface options.

Use these settings to change default date range period for Orders, Web licenses and Logs pages.

Predefined, default search periods are:

Orders page: This month
Web licenses page: This month
Logs (Audit) page: Today

[*] Web licenses search panel updates.

Serial number control now includes a button for searching for all active and removed web licenses with specific serial number.

This button will display complete history of usage for serial number.

[*] Multiple other optimizations and fixes.

[>] UPGRADING NOTES: No database changes are requires for this release.